●1988.09-1991.08, 中国科学院系统科学研究所,博士生(获理学博士学位)
●1985.09-1988.06, 中国科学院系统科学研究所,硕士生(获理学硕士学位)
●1981.09-1985.08, 山东大学数学系毕业,本科生(获理学学士学位)
●2014年当选美国电气与电子工程师协会会士(IEEE Fellow)
●2016年当选国际自动控制联合会会士(IFAC Fellow)
●2021年当选中国工业与应用数学学会会士(CSIAM Fellow)
●2017年当选中国自动化学会会士(CAA Fellow)
●国务院学位委员会第六届、第七届系统科学学科评议组召集人 (2009-2020)
●中国自动化学会副理事长 (2013.12-至今)
●中国数学会副理事长 (2020.1-2023.12)
●中国系统工程学会副理事长 (2010.11-2018.10)
●中国工业与应用数学学会常务理事 (2016.8-2020.8)
●国际自动控制联合会(IFAC) Technical Board 副主席 (2014.8-2020.7)
●中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会主任 (2010.1-2017.12)
●北京市数学会副理事长 (2006.1-2013.12)
●Member of the Board of Governors, IEEE Control System Society (2013.1- 2013.12)
●Member of the Steering Committee, Asian Control Association (2009.1-2014.2)
●《SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences》副主编 (2014.8-至今)
●《中国科学: 信息科学》副主编 (2014.8-至今)
●《国家科学评论》(National Science Review) 编委 (2020.9-至今)
● IEEE Control Systems Letters, Senior Editor (2019.1-2021.12)
●《系统科学与数学》主编 (2014.1-2018.12)
●《系统与控制纵横》创刊主编 (2014.1-2017.12)
● Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Managing Editor (2007.6-2014.5)
●《系统工程理论与实践》副主编 (2011.1-2018.10)
●《控制理论与应用》副主编 (2008.4-2013.7)、责任编委 (2003.7-2008.4)
●《自动化学报》副主编 (2005.4-2010.12)、责任编委(1999.10-2010.12)
●《系统科学与数学》副主编 (2004.10-2013.12)
● IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Associate Editor (2007.1-2009.12)
● SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Associate Editor (2008.1-2013.12)
● Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Associate Editor (2003.11-2008.4)
●《数学的实践与认识》编委 (2006.1-2013.12)
●《空间控制技术与应用》编委 (2008.1-至今)
●《山东大学学报(工学版)》编委 (2011.7-2015.12)
● Mathematical Control and Related Fields 编委 (2022.11-至今)
●《中国大百科全书》(第三版)系统科学学科 副主编
●《中国大百科全书》(第三版)控制科学与工程学科 副主编
●《系统与控制丛书》(科学出版社) 编委 (2010-至今)
1.主持,国家自然科学基金委重点项目,隐私保护下的系统辨识与协同控制 (项目编号:62433020), 项目直接经费226万,2025年1月-2029年12月。
2.参加,国家自然科学基金委重大项目,数字化社会治理的复杂性机理与智能方法 (项目编号:T2293770), 项目经费1431.5万,2023年1月-2027年12月。
[1]Jian Guo, Yanjun Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Asymptotic output tracking control of a class of linear systems by finite-and-quantized output feedback, Unmanned Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, 249-260, 2024.
[2]WANG Ying, LI Xin, ZHAO Yanlong and ZHANG Ji-Feng, Threshold selection and resource allocation for quantized identification, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 37, No. 1, 204-229, 2024.
[3]Yaqi Hao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Distributed optimization of multi-agent systems over uniform hypergraphs, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 69, No. 5, 3389-3395, 2024.
[4]Yuchun Xu, Yanjun Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Singularity-free adaptive control of discrete-time linear systems without prior knowledge of the high-frequency gain, Automatica, Vol.165, Article 111657, 2024.
[5]Ying Wang, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Asymptotically efficient quasi-newton type identification with quantized observations under bounded persistent excitations, Automatica, Vol. 166, Article 111722, 2024.
[6]郭健、薛文超、王婷、张纪峰, 具有量测误差的二值输出FIR系统参数迭代辨识, 《控制理论与应用》, 第41卷, 第7期, 1197-1206, 2024.
[7]Yutian Wang, Yuan-Hua Ni, Zengqiang Chen and Ji-Feng Zhang, Probabilistic framework of Howard's policy iteration: BML evaluation and robust convergence analysis, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 69, No. 8, 5200-5215, 2024.
[8]Jimin Wang, Jieming Ke and Ji-Feng Zhang, Differentially private bipartite consensus over signed networks with time-varying noises, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 69, No. 9, 5788-5803, 2024.
[9]Jimin Wang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Differentially private distributed stochastic optimization with time-varying sample sizes, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 69, No. 9, 6341-6348, 2024.
[10] FU Song-Ren, CHEN Liang-Biao and ZHANG Ji-Feng, Stability in inverse problem of determining two parameters for the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation with memory terms, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, DOI: 10.1007/s11424-024-3565-6, 2024.
[11] Jieming Ke, Ying Wang, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Recursive identification of binary-valued systems under uniform persistent excitations, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3399968, 2024.
[12] Peng Yu, Ji-Feng Zhang, Shuping Tan, Jin Guo and Yanlong Zhao, On the optimality of uniform velocity-deceleration separation scheme for tethered satellite systems, Control Theory and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s11768-024- 00221-x, 2024.
[13] Xiaofeng Zong, Mingyu Wang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Optimal consensus control of discrete-time stochastic multi-agent systems, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, https://doi.org/10.3934/naco.2024040, 2024.
[14] Jian Guo, Ying Wang, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Sparse parameter identification for stochastic systems based on L_\gamma regularization, accepted by SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2024.
[15] Xiaodong Lu, Ting Wang, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Consensus of multi-agent systems under binary-valued measurements: an event-triggered coordination approach, provisionally accepted by Automatica, 2024.
[16] Ru An, Ying Wang, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Consensus of high-order multi-agent systems with binary-valued communications and switching topologies, conditionally accepted by IEEE Trans. on Control of Network Systems, 2024.
[17] Jieming Ke, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Joint identification of system parameter and noise parameters in quantized systems, accepted by Systems & Control Letters, 2024.
[18] Weijun Meng, Jingtao Shi, Tianxiao Wang and Ji-Feng Zhang, A general maximum principle for optimal control of stochastic differential delay systems, accepted by SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2024.
[19]Jimin Wang, Jianwei Tan and Ji-Feng Zhang, Differentially private distributed parameter estimation, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 36, No.1, 187-204, 2023.
[20] Jieming Ke, Jimin Wang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Differentiated output-based privacy-preserving average consensus, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 7, 1369-1374, 2023.
[21] Yuchun Xu, Yanjun Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Singularity-free adaptive control of MIMO discrete-time nonlinear systems with general vector relative degrees, Automatica, Vol. 153, Article 111054, 2023.
[22] Yongyi Yu and Ji-Feng Zhang, Two multiobjective problems for stochastic degenerate parabolic equations, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 61, No. 4, 2708-2735, 2023.
[23] 谭建伟、王继民、张纪峰, 多方ARX系统的协作安全辨识——一种基于门限Paillier密码体制的最小二乘辨识方法, 《中国科学: 信息科学》, 第53卷, 第12期, 2472-2492,2023.
[24] Lida Jing and Ji-Feng Zhang, LS-based parameter estimation of DARMA systems with uniformly quantized observations, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 35, No.3, 748-765, 2022.
[25] Ying Wang, Yanlong Zhao, Ji-Feng Zhang and Jin Guo, A unified identification algorithm of FIR systems based on binary observations with time-varying thresholds, Automatica, Vol. 135, Article 109990, 2022.
[26] Jian Guo, Yanjun Zhang, Ji-Feng Zhang and Xiao-Kang Liu, Finite quantized-output feedback tracking control of possibly non-minimum phase linear systems, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol.6, 2407-2412, 2022.
[27] Yanjun Zhang, Ji-Feng Zhang and Xiao-Kang Liu, Matrix decomposition-based adaptive control of noncanonical form MIMO DT nonlinear systems, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 67, No. 8, 4330-4337, 2022.
[28] Yanjun Zhang, Ji-Feng Zhang, Xiao-Kang Liu and Zhen Liu, Quantized-output feedback model reference control of discrete-time linear systems, Automatica, Vol. 137, Article 110027, 2022.
[29] Jimin Wang, Ji-Feng Zhang and Xingkang He, Differentially private distributed algorithms for stochastic aggregative games, Automatica, Vol. 142, Article 110440, 2022.
[30] Yuchun Xu, Yanjun Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, A pole placement based output tracking control scheme by finite-and-quantized output feedback, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 6, 3200-3205, 2022.
[31] Yanjun Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, A quantized output feedback MRAC scheme for discrete-time linear systems, Automatica, Vol. 145, Article 110575, 2022.
[32] Bing-Chang Wang, Huanshui Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Linear quadratic mean field social control with common noise: a directly decoupling method, Automatica, Vol. 146, Article 110619, 2022.
[33] Jimin Wang, Ji-Feng Zhang and Xiao-Kang Liu, Differentially private resilient distributed cooperative online estimation over digraphs, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.32, No.15, 8670-8688, 2022.
[34] Yun Li, Fuke Wu and Ji-Feng Zhang, Near optimality of stochastic control for singularly perturbed McKean-Vlasov systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 60, No. 5, 2859-2883, 2022.
[35] Yongyi Yu and Ji-Feng Zhang, Carleman estimates of refined stochastic beam equations and applications, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 60, No. 5, 2947-2970, 2022.
[36] Ying Wang, Wuquan Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Distributed adaptive nonlinear control with fusion least-squares, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 60, No. 5, 3148-3172, 2022.
[37] Bing-Chang Wang, Jianhui Huang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Social optima in robust mean field LQG control: from finite to infinite horizon, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol.66, No. 4, 1529-1544, 2021.
[38] Yanjun Zhang, Ji-Feng Zhang and Xiao-Kang Liu, Implicit function based adaptive control of non-canonical form discrete-time nonlinear systems, Automatica, Vol. 129, Article 109629, 2021.
[39] Jifeng Zhang, Jianwei Tan and Jimin Wang, Privacy security in control systems, Science China Information Sciences, Vol.64, Article 176201, 2021.
[40] Xiaofeng Zong, Tao Li, George Yin and Ji-Feng Zhang, Delay tolerance for stable stochastic systems and extensions, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 66, No. 6, 2604-2619, 2021.
[41] Shaolin Ji, Chuiliu Kong, Chuanfeng Sun and Ji-Feng Zhang, Kalman-Bucy filtering and minimum mean square estimator under uncertainty, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 59, No. 4, 2669-2692, 2021.
[42] Shuping Tan, Jin Guo, YanLong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Adaptive control with saturation-constrainted observations for drag-free satellites -- a set-valued identification approach, Science China Information Sciences, Vol.64, Article 202202, 2021.
[43] Ying Wang, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Distributed recursive projection identification with binary-valued observations, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 34, No.5, 2048-2068, 2021.
[44] Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li, Ji-Feng Zhang and Miroslav Krstic, Equilibrium solutions of multi-period mean-variance portfolio selection, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 65, No. 4, 1716-1723, 2020.
[45] Zhaoqiang Ge, Xiaochi Ge and Ji-Feng Zhang, Approximate controllability and approximate observability of singular distributed parameter systems, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 65, No. 5, 2294-2299, 2020.
[46] Bing-Chang Wang, Huanshui Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Mean field linear quadratic control: uniform stabilization and social optimality, Automatica, Vol.121, Article 109088, 2020.
[47] Xiao-Kang Liu, Ji-Feng Zhang and Jimin Wang, Differentially private consensus algorithm for continuous-time heterogeneous multi-agent systems, Automatica, Vol.122, Article 109283, 2020.
[48] Binbin Si, Yuan-Hua Ni and Ji-Feng Zhang, Time-inconsistent stochastic LQ problem with regime switching, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.33, No.6, 1733-1754, 2020.
[49] Xiaofeng Zong, Tao Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Consensus conditions of continuous-time multi-agent systems with time-delays and measurement noises, Automatica, Vol. 99, 412-419, 2019.
[50] Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li, Ji-Feng Zhang and Miroslav Krstic, Mixed equilibrium solution of time-inconsistent stochastic linear-quadratic problem, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 57, No.1, 533-569, 2019.
[51] 黄亚欣、刘允刚、张纪峰,动态采用输出调节:切换自适应方法,《系统科学与数学》,第39卷,第2期,286-297,2019.
[52] Lida Jing and Jifeng Zhang, Tracking control and parameter identification with quantized ARMAX systems, Science China Information Sciences, Vol. 62, Article 199203, 2019.
[53] Xiaofeng Zong, Tao Li, George Yin, Le Yi Wang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Stochastic consentability of linear systems with time delays and multiplicative noises, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol.63, No.4, 1059-1074, 2018.
[54] Changbao Xu, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Information security protocol based system identification with binary-valued observations, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 31, No. 4, 946-963, 2018.
[55] Yuan-Hua Ni, Ji-Feng Zhang and Miroslav Krstic, Time-inconsistent mean-field stochastic LQ problem: open-loop time-consistent control, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 63, No. 9, 2771-2786, 2018.
[56] Xiaofeng Zong, Tao Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Consensus conditions of continuous-time multi-agent systems with additive and multiplicative measurement noises, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 56, No.1, 19-52, 2018.
[57] Xiaofeng Zong, George Yin, Le Yi Wang, Tao Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Stability of stochastic functional differential systems using degenerate Lyapunov functionals and applications, Automatica, Vol. 91, 197-207, 2018.
[58] Xiaofeng Zong, Tao Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Consensus control of second-order delayed multiagent systems with intrinsic dynamics and measurement noises, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 28, No. 16, 5050-5070, 2018.
[59] Yang Meng, Tao Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Finite-level quantized synchronization of discrete-time linear multi-agent systems with switching topologies, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 55, No. 1, 275-299, 2017.
[60] Bing-Chang Wang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Social optima in mean field linear-quadratic-Gaussian models with Markov jump parameters, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 55, No. 1, 429-456, 2017.
[61] Jin Guo, Le Yi Wang, George Yin, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Identification of Wiener systems with quantized inputs and binary-valued output observations, Automatica, Vol.78, 280-286, 2017.
[62] Yang Meng, Tao Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Coordination over multi-agent networks with unmeasurable states and finite-level quantization, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 62, No. 9, 4647-4653, 2017.
[63] Changbao Xu, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Decision-implementation complexity of cooperative game systems, Science China Information Sciences, Vol. 60, Article 112201, 2017.
[64] Yuan-Hua Ni, Cedric Ka-Fai Yiu, Huanshui Zhang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Delayed optimal control of stochastic LQ problem, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 55, No. 5, 3370-3407, 2017.
[65] Wuquan Li, Tao Li, Lihua Xie and Ji-Feng Zhang, Necessary and sufficient conditions for bounded distributed mean square tracking of multi-agent systems with noises, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 26, 631-645, 2016.
[66] Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Mean-field stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control with Markov jump parameters, Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 93, 69-76, 2016.
[67] Yuan-Hua Ni, Xun Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Indefinite mean-field stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control: from finite horizon to infinite horizon, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 61, No. 11, 3269-3284, 2016.
[68] 宗小峰、李韬、张纪峰, 带有时延和乘性量测噪声的离散时间多自主体系统的趋同控制, 《中国科学: 数学》, 第46卷,第10期,第1617-1636页, 2016.
[69] 王梓、张强、张纪峰, 数字信道下基于可靠通信的多自主体系统趋同, 《中国科学: 信息科学》, 第46卷,第11期, 1-14, 2016.
[70] Yang Meng, Tao Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Output feedback quantized-observer based synchronization of linear multi-agent systems over jointly connected topologies, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 26, No.11, 2378-2400, 2016.
[71] Qiang Zhang, Bing-Chang Wang and Ji-Feng Zhang, Distributed dynamic consensus under quantized communication data, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 25, 1704-1720, 2015.
[72] Wuquan Li, Lihua Xie and Ji-Feng Zhang, Containment control of leader-following multi-agent systems with Markovian switching network topologies and measurement noises, Automatica, Vol. 51, 263-267, 2015.
[73] Tao Li, Fuke Wu and Ji-Feng Zhang, Continuous-time multi-agent averaging with relative-state-dependent measurement noises: matrix intensity functions, IET Control Theory & Applications, Vol. 9, No. 3, 374-380, 2015.
[74] Yuan-Hua Ni, Ji-Feng Zhang and Xun Li, Indefinite mean-field stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 60, No.7, 1786-1800, 2015.
[75] Jin Guo, Le Yi Wang, George Yin, Yanlong Zhao and Ji-Feng Zhang, Asymptotically efficient identification of FIR systems with quantized observations and general quantized inputs, Automatica, Vol. 57, 113-122, 2015.
[76] Minyi Huang, Tao Li and Ji-Feng Zhang, Stochastic approximation based consensus dynamics over Markovian networks, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 53, No. 6, 3339-3363, 2015.
[77] Yuan-Hua Ni and Ji-Feng Zhang, Stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control without time-consistency requirement, Communications in Information and Systems, Vol. 15, No. 4, 521-550, 2015.
[78] Wenjian Bi, Guolian Kang, Yanlong Zhao, Yuehua Cui, Song Yan, Yun Li, Cheng Cheng, Stanley B. Pounds, Michael J. Borowitz, Mary V. Relling, Jun J. Yang, Zhifa Liu, Ching-Hon Pui, Stephen P. Hunger, Christine M. Hartford, Wing Leung, and Ji-Feng Zhang, SVSI: Fast and powerful set-valued system identification approach to identifying rare variants in sequencing studies for ordered categorical traits, Annals of Human Genetics, Vol. 79, No. 4, 294-309, 2015.